If you are new to the Contemplative Path, consider the (Primer) Contemplative School. We can also help you find a spiritual director if you are looking for one.

If you are a bit further along in your exploration, and are searching out new formation opportunities, consider making the 18th or 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Exercises. On this page, you will find upcoming retreats and pilgrimages for 2024-2025.

If you are a Spiritual Director, don’t miss out on our Regional Gatherings or Monthly Online Trainings on pertinent topics.

More details below!


This online cohort will provide a chance to experience the formation of the Contemplative path and it is a great preparation for our 2-year certificate program in spiritual direction, if you wish to take it further. First, we link you with a qualified spiritual director so you have nine to twelve invaluable months of receiving direction. Second, we guide you in a small group setting online through foundational aspects of the contemplative tradition via teaching, practice, debriefings, and short readings.

Each online meeting lasts about 3 1/2 hours (usually on a weekday evening or Saturday) and follows the same format: the welcome, a prayer exercise, an interactive teaching, a guided practice, a time to debrief the practice, and time to comment and reflect on whatever readings were assigned in the prior month. (The readings typically consist of 1-2 chapters).


  1. Presence Over Performance

  2. Desire Over Duty

  3. (Inter) Dependence Over Self-Sufficiency

  4. Vulnerability Over Self-Protection

  5. Gratitude Over Entitlement

  6. Embodied Over Fragmented

  7. Mercy Over Judgement

  8. Mystery Over Certainty

  9. Consent Over Control


The cost for the SSD Primer is £600 total. There will be a £100 non-refundable deposit with 9 monthly payments of £55.56 over the course of 9 consecutive months.

Other cost information:

Books (which are minimal) and monthly spiritual direction are not included.


Spiritual Direction is an ancient form of pastoral care with a very tight focus: it examines the substance, nature, and actual experience of the God-human relationship. In spiritual direction, the director comes alongside the directee for the primary purpose of focusing on the presence and activity of God in the directee’s life. In a word, spiritual direction is co-discernment. We learn to “see what the Father is doing (John 5:19),” not just in that moment, but over the months and seasons of a person’s life. The goal is to deepen the relationship with God by growing in attentiveness.

We have trained dozens of Spiritual Directors in Europe, the U.K., and beyond. If you need help finding one, just reach out! We would be happy to assist you!


→ We can connect you with an Ignatian-trained Director to meet weekly or bi-weekly for the 18th or 19th Annotation. Contact us if you want to sign up!

→ The 19th Annotation is a 9-month journey that aligns with the church calender and typically begins in the Fall to coincide with Advent and Lent.

→ The 18th Annotation is an abbreviated version that will give you a 10-week taste of this journey.

→ Each annotation has a component of daily Exercises (consisting of Ignatian Contemplation of the Gospels, Ignatian Meditations, and forms of Prayer).



  • If you are a Spiritual Director longing for more training, consider our Monthly Online Trainings. Whether you were trained by us initially or not, you are welcome to join!

  • Our previous students have shared these key areas of need for ongoing training:

    + Ignatian Spirituality
    + Somatic/Body Awareness
    + Spiritual Direction and Trauma
    + Enneagram
    + Interior Movements in SD
    + SD and Suffering
    + SD and Creativity
    + SD and Neurodiversity

  • Beginning this Autumn, we will post the training of the month here.

  • We will be announcing costs for our monthly trainings this Autumn.

    If you sign up for the entire year, you get priority availability, as well as discounted rates.

    You can also sign up for and pay for trainings individually for £35-50 depending on the offering.